This is in planning. No future release date has been set.
3 POINT ALL-STARS is a three (3) point knockout game.
Taking inspiration from the All-Star Weekend competition held each year, this game is simple.
Ten (10) players can enter one (1) chosen shooter to compete in the game.
Each player gets seven (7) ball racks with six (6) balls on each rack.
Each shot taken must be from behind the three (3) point line & each made shot earn the player one (1) point.
Each rack will consist of five (5) standard balls & (1) ball known as the money ball, which will count for three (3) points if successfully made.
The maximum number of points that can be earned in a single round is fifty-six (56).
The maximum number of rounds that can be played is nine (9).
The minimum number of rounds that can be played is one (1). See below for the instant win scenario.
Each player completes their round & the lowest score each round is eliminated.
In a scenario where any two (2) or more players in a round have the same score & are the low scores, they all are eliminated.
If a rare scenario arises where all the players, except one (1) end up with the same score & is lower than a player, the player with the higher score instantly wins that round & the game.
In a scenario where there are three (3) or more players ending up with the same score in a round, an instant three (3) point knockout begins. The first player to miss after a made shot is eliminated.
In a scenario where there are two (2) players left in a round & they end up with the same score, an instant three (3) point knockout begins. The first player to miss after a made shot is eliminated.
The last player standing is the winner.
To avoid confusion, a game means the last player standing after nine (9) players are eliminated.
Each game won will earn a team experience points (XP) that contribute towards the META CUP.
Watch this space.
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